Who We Are
People all over the world associate the name Ostheimer with the lovable wooden figures that enrich their children's games and with which they themselves perhaps decorate their rooms. Here you can find out who we are, where we come from, our ideas and impulses, and how we work.
Ostheimer Wooden Toys70 employees in the company and over 80 home workers ensure that original Ostheimer wooden toys reach children all over the world.
How We WorkWe give you an insight into how an Ostheimer figure is created step by step with artistic skill and the work of many hands.
Spiel und ZukunftOstheimer GmbH is co-founder of the online magazine Spiel und Zukunft, where you will find many articles on the topic: Accompanying children with joy.
The Ostheimer FoundationThe Walter and Adeline Ostheimer Foundation is the owner of the Ostheimer company and supports pioneering social projects and initiatives.