Spiel und Zukunft
Spiel und Zukunft Online Magazine
Childhood is invaluable and needs to be cultivated and protected in order for us to envision a liveable future. A healthy childhood allows children to develop in free play and to orient themselves in the world in a childlike way. This idea is essential to our company’s philosophy. We aspire to help shape a good, empowering childhood by providing high-quality toys and by supporting families and healthy play. For this reason, twelve years ago we founded www.spielundzukunft.de. In this online-magazine, German-speaking parents can find information and advice in over 800 articles.
We are striving to some day be able to offer a similar online-magazine to English-speaking parents as well.

In our modern time, the awareness of the benefits of free, imaginative
children´s playing and shared experiences has often diminished. Many children are missing out on these immediate experiences, if they spend time in front of a computer or TV in a too early period of their childhood. This is where the parents are in demand. They are confronted with the challenge to create the suitable balance.
www.spielundzukunft.de is a web portal, that wants to help parents to accept this challenge and to cope with it because playing is a vital and existential purpose in our children´s lives.
Playfully they develop themselves, can learn for their lives and thereby for the future, too. If children play, move, get into action by themselves, they educate all their senses and they are able to develop many characteristics which are of immediate importance in our modern society: creativity, imagination, a sense for responsibility, self- confidence and one´s own initiative. These skills, which are generated within the early childhood, can only arise by giving children the time to make their own experiences and to become active on their own.
Find out more by simply visiting Spiel und Zukunft