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Passend dazu

As the Grandpa of the Ostheimer family, I have a lot of time… for telling stories to the kids or helping my old friend, the farmer, with the chores on the farm.
My best friend is the same age as I am and she also belongs to our big Ostheimer family. She doesn't have a pink dress like me, but a bright yellow one instead. Sometimes she envies my blonde hair - just like I envy her beautiful brown hair. We both think we're pretty big, too, even though the boys always call us "the little ones." They should see how we help Grandma feed the chickens or how we help the farmer's wife with the pigs!
Rooster brown
Rooster brown
I'm the biggest and oldest of the Ostheimer roosters. I'm proud of my beautiful plumage and my magnificently colorful tail feathers. First thing in the morning, I wake up the whole farm with my loud cock-a-doodle-doo and make it clear that I'm in charge on the chicken yard. Have you seen the two pretty brown hens? Their plumage is gold- and brown-colored like mine and they wear a magnificent red comb. Of course, we chickens and roosters all have that characteristic comb....
Hen brown picking
Hen brown picking
I'm also a brown Ostheimer chicken and, as you can see, I never miss a grain or an earthworm that I can find on the farm. And I always come running when it's time for feeding. Then, the humans call for us or we hear the excited clucking of the other chickens. So we definitely don't miss out on anything.
Chick light
Chick light
We chicks from Ostheimer, the light and the dark ones, are really tiny and we love to follow our mother hen in groups or run around excitedly in the chicken yard when fresh grains are distributed there.
Chick dark
Chick dark
We chicks from Ostheimer, the light and the dark ones, are really tiny and we love to follow our mother hen in groups or run around excitedly in the chicken yard when fresh grains are distributed there.
Hen House
Every evening, the chickens retire to their pretty little house.
Hen ochre standing
Hen ochre standing
As a chicken hen, you have a lot to do. Looking after the chicks, pecking food, cleaning feathers, and entering friendly clucking competitions with the other chickens. I belong to the family of ocher-colored Ostheimer chickens.
Hen white up
Hen white up
I also belong to Ostheimer's white chicken family. It's important to always pay attention on the farm, especially when all the little chicks are on the move in the chicken yard.